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Call Records & Call Trace Record retrieval availability
Nex Gen Telecom maintains the following record availability for customers to access and or download thru their Dashmanager portal.
Nex Gen Telecom Manage PBX Portal
The Nex Gen Telecom Manage PBX Portal includes On-net (e.g Ext. to Ext., System Users Voicemail) and Off-net call records along with Call Recording and Call Trace files.
On-net and Off-net call records are available for download for up to 3 months. You can only download records in increments of 31 days.
Nex Gen Telecom provides Best Efforts retention for Call Recordings. This means that although we will strive to retain call recordings for up to 30 days, we will not make any guarantees as to the length of time that a recorded file will be retained.
Call Trace record files are kept for 7 days. Once a call trace is pulled, meaning the link is viewed, the link remains available for viewing for 60 days.
Manage Telco (PSTN Inbound/Outbound Call Records)
Manage Telco (Off-Net calls) are available for download for up to 20 weeks.
Note: Please pull date ranges of 30 days or less when trying to retrieve these records. In some cases for larger CDR call volume customers even smaller date ranges may be required (every 15 days or weekly).
QOS Monitor
QOS/RTP-Sight files are kept for a maximum of 7 days. These files are permanently deleted.
Voicemail to email Hyperlink
Voicemail to email hyperlinks will remain valid for 7 days or until the voicemail is deleted from the VM box.