
Laugh, Giggle & Smile to Look & Feel Younger

Can you remember the last time you laughed so hard it hurt? Well it turns out, laughter really might be the best medicine. Laughing have very positive effects on your mental, emotional and physical health, and might even be able to make you younger. Laughter has been...

Is Your Business Ready for a Natural Disaster?

Hurricanes like the ones that we have seen over the last few months are a constant reminder of how important it is to prepare. If you are in an area where natural disasters are even a possibility, here are a few tips that could save your business someday. Have a...

Rejuvenate in 15 Minutes or Less

After a long day, or even right in the middle of one, there’s nothing more important than taking the time to recuperate and relax. Here are a few ways that you can rejuvenate yourself when you begin to get a little too stressed out. take a Hike! I’m, not trying to say...